NetBurner 3.5.0
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The NetBurner SSL/TLS Library. See SSL/TLS Programming Guide and examples in the examples/SSL folder. More...


 ACME Certificate Generation
 Request valid public certificates from an ACME certificate authority for devices with a public IP and DNS.
 Onboard Self-Signed Certificate Generation
 See On-board Cert Generation - Simple and other examples in the examples/SSL folder.
 SSL Error Codes


enum class  ExpireRetCodes : unsigned char { ExpireRetCodes::E_CERT_VALID = 0 , ExpireRetCodes::E_CERT_EXPIRED = 1 , ExpireRetCodes::E_BAD_EXPIRATION_VALUE = 2 , ExpireRetCodes::E_NO_SYSTEM_TIME = 3 }
 Return values for SSL_IsCertExpired(). More...


int SSL_connect (IPADDR ip, uint16_t remotePort, uint32_t timeout, const char *commonName, bool verifyPeer=false, bool waitForNegotiation=true, const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, int intf=-1)
 SSL mirror of the TCP::connect() call.
int SSL_connect (IPADDR ip, uint16_t localPort, uint16_t remotePort, uint32_t timeout, const char *commonName, bool verifyPeer=false, bool waitForNegotiation=true, const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, int intf=-1)
 Old version of SSL_Connect with local port.
int SSL_makeSecure (int tcpFd, const char *commonName, bool verifyPeer=false, bool waitForNegotiation=true, const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, bool bIsClient=true, uint32_t timeout=WAIT_FOREVER)
 SSL mirror of the TCP::connect() call, but uses an existing TCP file descriptor.
int SSL_negotiate (int tcpFd, const char *common_name, bool reuseSessionPort=true, bool verifyPeer=false, const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, bool bIsClient=true)
 Executes the TLS negotiation over a given socket, to establish a secure communication channel through that socket.
int SSLReadWithTimeout (int fd, char *cp, int size, uint32_t timeout)
 SSL mirror of the ReadWithTiemout() function.
uint32_t SetMaxSessionReuseTime (uint32_t newLifetimeTicks)
 Allows one to specify at runtime what the longest duration that an established session can be used for before new connections must be fully renegotiated.
bool IsSSL_CertNKeyValid (const char *keyPEM, ssize_t keylen, const char *certPEM, ssize_t certlen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Validate candidate certificate and private key.
bool SSL_AddCertToClientCaList (const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Attempts to add a cert to the Certificate Authority List to the client SSL context.
bool SSL_AddCertToServerCaList (const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Attempts to add a cert to the Certificate Authority List to the client SSL context.
bool SSL_ClearClientCaList ()
 Clears certs that have been added to the client's Certificate Authority list.
bool SSL_ClearServerCaList ()
 Clears certs that have been added to the server's Certificate Authority list.
uint16_t SSLGetRxBufferSpaceUsed (int fd)
 Returns the amount of data buffered to be read from the socket.
uint16_t SSLGetTxBufferAvailSpace (int fd)
 Returns the amount of data buffered to be read from the socket.
void SslInit ()
 This function initializes the SSL library.
void SSL_DumpSSLSockets ()
 Prints the current state of all used sockets to stdio.
void SSL_ClientReadyCert (const unsigned char *cert, const unsigned char *key, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Add a key and certificate to the client.
void SSL_ServerReadyCert (const unsigned char *cert, const unsigned char *key, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Add a key and certificate to the server.
ExpireRetCodes SSL_IsCertExpired (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Returns whether the given certificate has expired or not.
bool SSL_GetIssuerFromCert (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, unsigned char *issBuf, int issBufLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Returns the issuer from a certificate blob in the PEM format.
bool SSL_GetSubjectNameFromCert (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, unsigned char *subNamBuf, int subNamBufLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Returns the subject name from a certificate blob in the PEM format.
bool SSL_GetAltNameFromCert (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, unsigned char *altNamBuf, int altNamBufLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Returns an alternate name from a certificate blob in the PEM format.
bool SSL_GetExpirationDate (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, unsigned char *expBuf, int expBufLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Returns the expiration data of the certificate in question.
bool SSL_GetTimeToExpire (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat, time_t &timeToExp)
 Returns whether the given certificate has expired or not.
bool SSL_GetCnFromCert (unsigned char *certBuff, int certLen, unsigned char *comNamBuf, int comNamBufLen, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
 Returns the common name from a certificate blob in the PEM format.
const char * GetCertificatePEM ()
 Function that returns a pointer to the compiled in server certificate.
int GetCertificateLen ()
 Function that returns the length of the compiled in server certificate.
const char * GetPrivateKeyPEM ()
 Function that returns a pointer to the compiled in server key.
int GetPrivateKeyLen ()
 Function that the length of the compiled in server key.
void SslSetVerifyPeerClient (bool verifyPeer)
 Sets whether or not verify peer should be enabled on the global SSL client context.
void SslSetVerifyPeerServer (bool verifyPeer)
 Sets whether or not verify peer should be enabled on the global SSL server context.
bool SSL_IsCertAddedToClientCaList ()
 Checks to see if any certificates have been added to the global SSL client context.
bool SSL_IsCertAddedToServerCaList ()
 Checks to see if any certificates have been added to the global SSL server context.

SSL Server Functions

BOOL(* IsSSLfd )(int fd)
 Returns whether or not a file descriptor is an SSL file descriptor.
int(* SSL_GetRawSocket )(int sslSocketFd)
 Returns the TCP file descriptor associated with an SSL socket file descriptor.
int(* SSL_setsockoption )(int fd, int option)
 Set SSL TCP socket options.
int(* SSL_clrsockoption )(int fd, int option)
 Clear SSL TCP socket options.
int(* SSL_getsockoption )(int fd)
 Returns the options for the specified SSL TCP socket.
int SSL_accept (int fdListen, IPADDR *address, uint16_t *port, uint16_t timeout, bool waitForNegotiation=true, bool verifyPeer=false, const unsigned char *certBuff=nullptr, uint32_t certBuffSize=0, uint16_t certBuffFormat=SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, const char *commonName=nullptr)
 This call is a mirror of the TCP::accept() call.
IPADDR SSL_GetSocketRemoteAddr (int fd)
 Returns the remote address of this connected socket.
uint16_t SSL_GetSocketRemotePort (int fd)
 Returns the remote port of this connected socket.
IPADDR SSL_GetSocketLocalAddr (int fd)
 Returns the local address of this connected socket.
uint16_t SSL_GetSocketLocalPort (int fd)
 Returns the local port of this connected socket.
int SSL_GetSocketInterface (int fd)
 Return the network interface associated with an SSL TCP socket.
uint16_t SSL_GetTcpRtxCount (int fd)
 Return the current state of a SSL TCP socket.
uint32_t SSL_TcpGetLastRxTime (int fd)
 SSL mirror of TcpGetLastRxTime().
uint32_t SSL_TcpGetLastRxInterval (int fd)
 SSL mirror of TcpGetLastRxInterval().
void SSL_TcpSendKeepAlive (int fd)
 SSL mirror of TcpSendKeepAlive().
bool SSLSocketsAvail ()
 Returns whether or not there are any sockets available.
int FreeSSLSockets ()
 Returns the number of currently free SSL sockets.

SSL socket option functions

int SSL_getsocketerror (int fd)
 Returns the socket error state for the specified SSL socket.

Detailed Description

The NetBurner SSL/TLS Library. See SSL/TLS Programming Guide and examples in the examples/SSL folder.

#include< ssl.h >

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ExpireRetCodes

enum class ExpireRetCodes : unsigned char

#include <ssl.h>

Return values for SSL_IsCertExpired().


Certificate not expired.


Certificate expired.


Unable to read the expiration information from the certificate.


The system time has not been set.

Function Documentation

◆ FreeSSLSockets()

int FreeSSLSockets ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the number of currently free SSL sockets.

The number of free SSL sockets.

◆ GetCertificateLen()

int GetCertificateLen ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Function that returns the length of the compiled in server certificate.

See the SSL documentation and examples for information on generating a self signed certificate and key. This function can be overridden to provide the ability to install uploaded certificates.

The length of the compiled in certificate.
See also

◆ GetCertificatePEM()

const char * GetCertificatePEM ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Function that returns a pointer to the compiled in server certificate.

See the SSL documentation and examples for information on generating a self signed certificate and key.

A pointer to the compiled in certificate.
See also

◆ GetPrivateKeyLen()

int GetPrivateKeyLen ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Function that the length of the compiled in server key.

See the SSL documentation and examples for information on generating a self signed certificate and key. This function can be overridden to provide the ability to install uploaded keys.

The length of the compiled in key.
See also

◆ GetPrivateKeyPEM()

const char * GetPrivateKeyPEM ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Function that returns a pointer to the compiled in server key.

See the SSL documentation and examples for information on generating a self signed certificate and key.

A pointer to the compiled in server key.
See also

◆ IsSSL_CertNKeyValid()

bool IsSSL_CertNKeyValid ( const char * keyPEM,
ssize_t keylen,
const char * certPEM,
ssize_t certlen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Validate candidate certificate and private key.

Determines if the passed in certificate and private key are valid or note.

keyPEMA buffer containing the private key
keylenThe length of the buffer containing the private key
certPEMA buffer containing the certificate
certlenThe length of the buffer containing the certificate
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>Certificate and key passed in are valid
<code>false</code>Certificate and/or key passed in are not valid

◆ SetMaxSessionReuseTime()

uint32_t SetMaxSessionReuseTime ( uint32_t newLifetimeTicks)

#include <ssl.h>

Allows one to specify at runtime what the longest duration that an established session can be used for before new connections must be fully renegotiated.

This is a security trade-off feature. It will negatively impact performance to decrease this value. To disable maximum reuse lifetime, pass the argument as 0. This will force a new negotiation on every connection. Calling this functhyion will not affect sessions that are currently stored until they have been used to establish a new connection.

The default value used for this purpose on startup is defined in predef.h as the macro SSL_DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_AGE_TICKS and is set to one hour.

newLifetimeTicksHow long (in ticks) to allow an established session to be used.
Returns previously assigned reuse maximum.

◆ SSL_accept()

int SSL_accept ( int fdListen,
IPADDR * address,
uint16_t * port,
uint16_t timeout,
bool waitForNegotiation = true,
bool verifyPeer = false,
const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM,
const char * commonName = nullptr )

#include <ssl.h>

This call is a mirror of the TCP::accept() call.

fdListenFile descriptor of the TCP listening socket.
*addressIPADDR variable to hold the address of the connecting computer.
*portVariable to receive the remote port of this connection.
timeoutNumber of system time ticks to wait for a connection (regular TCP::accept()).
waitForNegotiationWait for negotiation to complete. Default is true.
verifyPeerDefault is false. Set to true to verify the client certificate on connect.
certBuffBuffer containing the certificate data. Default is null.
certBuffSizeSize of the buffer containing the certificate data. Default is 0.
certBuffFormatFormat of the certificate buffer. Default is SSL_FILETYPE_PEM.
commonNameCommon name to use for checking certificate validity. Default is null, which will accept any connection.
Return values
>0The file descriptor of the connected SSL socket
<0The error code for the failure from SSL Error Codes or TCP Socket Status
See also

◆ SSL_AddCertToClientCaList()

bool SSL_AddCertToClientCaList ( const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Attempts to add a cert to the Certificate Authority List to the client SSL context.

certBuffA buffer containing the certificate to add.
certBuffSizeThe size of the cert being passed in.
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>Successfully add the certificate to the CA List
<code>false</code>Was not able to add the certificate to the CA List

◆ SSL_AddCertToServerCaList()

bool SSL_AddCertToServerCaList ( const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Attempts to add a cert to the Certificate Authority List to the client SSL context.

certBuffA buffer containing the certificate to add.
certBuffSizeThe size of the cert being passed in.
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>Successfully add the certificate to the CA List
<code>false</code>Was not able to add the certificate to the CA List

◆ SSL_ClearClientCaList()

bool SSL_ClearClientCaList ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Clears certs that have been added to the client's Certificate Authority list.

Return values
<code>true</code>Successfully cleared the Certificate Authority list
<code>false</code>Failed to clear the Certificate Authority list

◆ SSL_ClearServerCaList()

bool SSL_ClearServerCaList ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Clears certs that have been added to the server's Certificate Authority list.

Return values
<code>true</code>Successfully cleared the Certificate Authority list
<code>false</code>Failed to clear the Certificate Authority list

◆ SSL_ClientReadyCert()

void SSL_ClientReadyCert ( const unsigned char * cert,
const unsigned char * key,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Add a key and certificate to the client.

certPointer to the buffer holding the PEM certificate data
keyPointer to the buffer holding the PEM key data
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.

◆ SSL_connect() [1/2]

int SSL_connect ( IPADDR ip,
uint16_t localPort,
uint16_t remotePort,
uint32_t timeout,
const char * commonName,
bool verifyPeer = false,
bool waitForNegotiation = true,
const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM,
int intf = -1 )

#include <ssl.h>

Old version of SSL_Connect with local port.

ipThe address to connect to.
localPortThe local port to use. 0 will pick one
remotePortThe remote port to connect to.
timeoutThe number of ticks to wait for a connection.
*commonNameThe common name to use for checking certificate validity passing in NULL will accept any connection.
verifyPeerShould the client verify the server's certificate against a Certificate Authority list?
waitForNegotiationShould the function wait until the negotiation is complete before returning?
certBuffBuffer containing the certificate data
certBuffSizeSize of the buffer containing the certificate data
certBuffFormatThe format of the certificate buffer
intfOptional local interface number to use for connection
Return values
>0The file descriptor of the connected SSL socket
<0The error code for the failure from SSL Error Codes or TCP Socket Status
See also

◆ SSL_connect() [2/2]

int SSL_connect ( IPADDR ip,
uint16_t remotePort,
uint32_t timeout,
const char * commonName,
bool verifyPeer = false,
bool waitForNegotiation = true,
const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM,
int intf = -1 )

#include <ssl.h>

SSL mirror of the TCP::connect() call.

ipThe address to connect to.
remotePortThe remote port to connect to.
timeoutThe number of ticks to wait for a connection.
*commonNameThe common name to use for checking certificate validity passing in NULL will accept any connection.
verifyPeerShould the client verify the server's certificate against a Certificate Authority list?
waitForNegotiationShould the function wait until the negotiation is complete before returning?
certBuffBuffer containing the certificate data
certBuffSizeSize of the buffer containing the certificate data
certBuffFormatThe format of the certificate buffer
intfOptional local interface number to use for connection
Return values
>0The file descriptor of the connected SSL socket
<0The error code for the failure from SSL Error Codes or TCP Socket Status
See also

◆ SSL_GetAltNameFromCert()

bool SSL_GetAltNameFromCert ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
unsigned char * altNamBuf,
int altNamBufLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns an alternate name from a certificate blob in the PEM format.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
altNamBufThe buffer to store the alternate name in
altNamBufLenThe length of the buffer where the alternate name will be placed
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>If successfully retrieved the alternate name from the cert
<code>false</code>If unable to retrieved the alternate name from the cert

◆ SSL_GetCnFromCert()

bool SSL_GetCnFromCert ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
unsigned char * comNamBuf,
int comNamBufLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the common name from a certificate blob in the PEM format.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
comNamBufThe buffer to store the common name in
comNamBufLenThe length of the buffer where the common name will be placed
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>If successfully retrieved the common name from the cert
<code>false</code>If unable to retrieved the common name from the cert

◆ SSL_GetExpirationDate()

bool SSL_GetExpirationDate ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
unsigned char * expBuf,
int expBufLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the expiration data of the certificate in question.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
expBufThe buffer to store the expiration date in
expBufLenThe length of the buffer where the expiration date will be placed
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>If successfully retrieved the alternate name from the cert
<code>false</code>If unable to retrieved the alternate name from the cert

◆ SSL_GetIssuerFromCert()

bool SSL_GetIssuerFromCert ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
unsigned char * issBuf,
int issBufLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the issuer from a certificate blob in the PEM format.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
issBufThe buffer to store the issuer in
issBufLenThe length of the buffer where the issuer will be placed
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>If successfully retrieved the issuer from the cert
<code>false</code>If unable to retrieved the issuer from the cert

◆ SSL_getsocketerror()

int SSL_getsocketerror ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the socket error state for the specified SSL socket.

fdSocket file descriptor.
The error state for the specified socket

◆ SSL_GetSocketInterface()

int SSL_GetSocketInterface ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Return the network interface associated with an SSL TCP socket.

fdThe socket file descriptor.
The network interface number (undefined for listening sockets)
See also

◆ SSL_GetSocketLocalAddr()

IPADDR SSL_GetSocketLocalAddr ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the local address of this connected socket.

This function is used to retrieve the local address of an SSL fd. This function will also work correctly if you pass in an fd that is a TCP connection. This allows you to use one set of code for both normal TCP and SSL connections.

fdThe file descriptor to test.
The local IP address of the TCP or SSL connection, or 0 otherwise.
See also

◆ SSL_GetSocketLocalPort()

uint16_t SSL_GetSocketLocalPort ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the local port of this connected socket.

This function is used to retrieve the local port of an SSL fd. This function will also work correctly if you pass in an fd that is a TCP connection. This allows you to use one set of code for both normal TCP and SSL connections.

fdThe file descriptor to test.
The local port number of TCP or SSL connection, or 0 otherwise.
See also

◆ SSL_GetSocketRemoteAddr()

IPADDR SSL_GetSocketRemoteAddr ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the remote address of this connected socket.

This function is used to retrieve the remote address of an SSL fd. This function will also work correctly if you pass in an fd that is a TCP connection. This allows you to use one set of code for both normal TCP and SSL connections.

fdThe file descriptor to test.
IP address of the TCP or SSL connection, or 0 otherwise.
See also

◆ SSL_GetSocketRemotePort()

uint16_t SSL_GetSocketRemotePort ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the remote port of this connected socket.

This function is used to retrieve the remote port of an SSL fd. This function will also work correctly if you pass in an fd that is a TCP connection. This allows you to use one set of code for both normal TCP and SSL connections.

fdThe file descriptor to test.
The remote port number of TCP or SSL connection, or 0 otherwise.
See also

◆ SSL_GetSubjectNameFromCert()

bool SSL_GetSubjectNameFromCert ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
unsigned char * subNamBuf,
int subNamBufLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the subject name from a certificate blob in the PEM format.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
subNamBufThe buffer to store the subject name in
subNamBufLenThe length of the buffer where the subject name will be placed
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>true</code>If successfully retrieved the subject name from the cert
<code>false</code>If unable to retrieved the subject name from the cert

◆ SSL_GetTcpRtxCount()

uint16_t SSL_GetTcpRtxCount ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Return the current state of a SSL TCP socket.

fdSocket file descriptor.
The current state of the socket: TCP Socket State
See also

Returns the number of re-transmits that have occurred on the specified SSL connection.

fdThe socket file descriptor.
The number of system time ticks since the last packet was received on the connection.
See also

◆ SSL_GetTimeToExpire()

bool SSL_GetTimeToExpire ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat,
time_t & timeToExp )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns whether the given certificate has expired or not.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
[out]timeToExpThe time the certificate is set to expire
Return values
<code>true</code>If the certificate expiration was found
<code>false</code>If the certificate expiration was not found

◆ SSL_IsCertAddedToClientCaList()

bool SSL_IsCertAddedToClientCaList ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Checks to see if any certificates have been added to the global SSL client context.

Certificate Authority certificates can be added to the client context during calls to SSL_connect() or with calls to SSL_AddCertToClientCaList().

true If a certificate has been added to the certificate authority list.
false If a certificate has not been added to the certificate authority list.

◆ SSL_IsCertAddedToServerCaList()

bool SSL_IsCertAddedToServerCaList ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Checks to see if any certificates have been added to the global SSL server context.

Certificate Authority certificates can be added to the server context during calls to SSL_connect() or with calls to SSL_AddCertToServerCaList().

true If a certificate has been added to the certificate authority list.
false If a certificate has not been added to the certificate authority list.

◆ SSL_IsCertExpired()

ExpireRetCodes SSL_IsCertExpired ( unsigned char * certBuff,
int certLen,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns whether the given certificate has expired or not.

certBuffThe buffer containing the certificate data
certLenThe length of the certificate
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.
Return values
<code>ExpireRetCodes::E_CERT_EXPIRED</code>If the certificate has expired
<code>ExpireRetCodes::E_CERT_VALID</code>If the certificate has not expired
<code>ExpireRetCodes::E_BAD_EXPIRATION_VALUE</code>If unable to get the expiration data from the certificate
<code>ExpireRetCodes::E_NO_SYSTEM_TIME</code>If the system time has not been set

◆ SSL_makeSecure()

int SSL_makeSecure ( int tcpFd,
const char * commonName,
bool verifyPeer = false,
bool waitForNegotiation = true,
const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM,
bool bIsClient = true,
uint32_t timeout = WAIT_FOREVER )

#include <ssl.h>

SSL mirror of the TCP::connect() call, but uses an existing TCP file descriptor.

tcpFdThe file descriptor for the socket to be secured.
*commonNameThe common name to use for checking certificate validity passing in NULL will accept any connection.
verifyPeerShould the client verify the server's certificate against a Certificate Authority list?
waitForNegotiationShould the function wait until the negotiation is complete before returning?
certBuffBuffer containing the certificate data
certBuffSizeSize of the buffer containing the certificate data
certBuffFormatThe format of the certificate buffer
bIsClientPerform the TLS negotiation as the Client and not the Server?
timeoutThe number of timeticks to wait for completion
Return values
>0The file descriptor of the connected SSL socket
<0The error code for the failure from SSL Error Codes or TCP Socket Status
See also

◆ SSL_negotiate()

int SSL_negotiate ( int tcpFd,
const char * common_name,
bool reuseSessionPort = true,
bool verifyPeer = false,
const unsigned char * certBuff = nullptr,
uint32_t certBuffSize = 0,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM,
bool bIsClient = true )

#include <ssl.h>

Executes the TLS negotiation over a given socket, to establish a secure communication channel through that socket.

tcpFdThe TCP file descriptor to associate the connection with.
*common_nameThe comman name to use for checking certificate validity passing in NULL will accept any connection.
reuseSessionPortShould we look at the port for reuse lookup?
verifyPeerShould the client verify the server's certificate against a Certificate Authority list?
certBuffBuffer containing the certificate data
certBuffSizeSize of the buffer containing the certificate data
certBuffFormatThe format of the certificate buffer
bIsClientPerform the TLS negotiation as the Client and not the Server?
Return values
>0The file descriptor of the connected SSL socket
<0The error code for the failure from SSL Error Codes or TCP Socket Status
See also

◆ SSL_ServerReadyCert()

void SSL_ServerReadyCert ( const unsigned char * cert,
const unsigned char * key,
uint16_t certBuffFormat = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM )

#include <ssl.h>

Add a key and certificate to the server.

certPointer to the buffer holding the PEM certificate data
keyPointer to the buffer holding the PEM key data
certBuffFormatThe format of the cert being passed in. Either SSL_FILETYPE_PEM or WOLFSSL_FILETYPE_ASN1.

◆ SSL_TcpGetLastRxInterval()

uint32_t SSL_TcpGetLastRxInterval ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

SSL mirror of TcpGetLastRxInterval().

fdThe socket file descriptor.
The number of system Time Ticks since the last packet was received on the connection.
See also

◆ SSL_TcpGetLastRxTime()

uint32_t SSL_TcpGetLastRxTime ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

SSL mirror of TcpGetLastRxTime().

fdThe socket file descriptor.
The value of system Time Ticks when the last packet was received on the connection.
See also

◆ SSL_TcpSendKeepAlive()

void SSL_TcpSendKeepAlive ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

SSL mirror of TcpSendKeepAlive().

fdThe socket file descriptor.
See also

◆ SSLGetRxBufferSpaceUsed()

uint16_t SSLGetRxBufferSpaceUsed ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the amount of data buffered to be read from the socket.

fdThe socket's file descriptor
Return values
>=0The number of bytes available to be read
<0 The requested socket does not exist

◆ SSLGetTxBufferAvailSpace()

uint16_t SSLGetTxBufferAvailSpace ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the amount of data buffered to be read from the socket.

fdThe socket's file descriptor
Return values
>=0The number of bytes available to be read
<0 The requested socket does not exist

◆ SslInit()

void SslInit ( )

#include <ssl.h>

This function initializes the SSL library.

Note: It should only be called in the case that you want to verify peer certificates as a client and need to add the certificates individually. Otherwise, calls to SSL_connect() will automatically call this function for you.

◆ SSLReadWithTimeout()

int SSLReadWithTimeout ( int fd,
char * cp,
int size,
uint32_t timeout )

#include <ssl.h>

SSL mirror of the ReadWithTiemout() function.

This function will block until either the time-out expires or at least one byte is available to be read. This function can be used to read from stdio, TCP sockets, or Serial ports.

Important: This function operates like a read function in that it reads all available bytes and returns. The addition of a time-out does not cause the function to block until the maximum number of bytes specified in the function call is available. The application must use the return value of the function to determine how many bytes were read, and call the function again if necessary.

fdThe file descriptor number.
*cpA pointer to the read destination.
sizeMaximum number of bytes to read.
timeoutThe number of timer ticks to wait for data.
Return values
0Invalid buf or size parameters were passed
>0The number of bytes read
TCP_ERR_TIMEOUTNo bytes were read before timeout
TCP_ERR_CLOSINGTCP connection is no longer valid, or the SSLSocket_Record no longer exists
See also

◆ SslSetVerifyPeerClient()

void SslSetVerifyPeerClient ( bool verifyPeer)

#include <ssl.h>

Sets whether or not verify peer should be enabled on the global SSL client context.

verifyPeerTrue if verify should be enabled, or false otherwise.

◆ SslSetVerifyPeerServer()

void SslSetVerifyPeerServer ( bool verifyPeer)

#include <ssl.h>

Sets whether or not verify peer should be enabled on the global SSL server context.

verifyPeerTrue if verify should be enabled, or false otherwise.

◆ SSLSocketsAvail()

bool SSLSocketsAvail ( )

#include <ssl.h>

Returns whether or not there are any sockets available.

Return values
trueIf there are sockets available.
falseIf there are not any sockets available
See also

Variable Documentation

◆ IsSSLfd

BOOL(* IsSSLfd) (int fd) ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns whether or not a file descriptor is an SSL file descriptor.

This function is used to determine if the fd is an SSL connection. It can be used by things like the callback functions of the web server to determine how secure the fd is before sending sensitive information over it.

fdThe file descriptor to test.
Return values
TRUEIf it is an SSL fd
FALSEIf it is not an SSL fd or if there was an error
See also

◆ SSL_clrsockoption

int(* SSL_clrsockoption) (int fd, int option) ( int fd,
int option )

#include <ssl.h>

Clear SSL TCP socket options.

fdSocket file descriptor.
optionSocket option to clear: TCP Socket Options.
A bitmask of the options for the specified socket
See also

◆ SSL_GetRawSocket

int(* SSL_GetRawSocket) (int sslSocketFd) ( int sslSocketFd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the TCP file descriptor associated with an SSL socket file descriptor.

sslSocketFdThe socket file descriptor.
The TCP file descriptor associated with the SSL socket.
See also

◆ SSL_getsockoption

int(* SSL_getsockoption) (int fd) ( int fd)

#include <ssl.h>

Returns the options for the specified SSL TCP socket.

fdSocket file descriptor.
A bitmask of the options for the specified socket
See also

◆ SSL_setsockoption

int(* SSL_setsockoption) (int fd, int option) ( int fd,
int option )

#include <ssl.h>

Set SSL TCP socket options.

fdSocket file descriptor.
optionSocket option to set: TCP Socket Options.
A bitmask of the options for the specified socket
See also